Friday, February 07, 2014

Comp List 2/05-2/11

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying your snow days (if you get them)!  It is beautiful out but I am *really* ready for it to be gone.  :)

I don't think I have any news to pass along today... I was thinking this morning about how I really only have a year and a half left before I can start doing my own comp list again! Yay! haha.  (Not that I don't absolutely love the ones the ladies are doing- because I do! I am having comp list creating withdrawal, though.)  So bear with me while I finish school.  Then maybe we will have several more comp lists and you can find one that will work best for you and your area.

One last thing, thank you to all the ladies that work so hard to put the lists out.  It takes a lot of time and energy and we APPRECIATE YOU! 

Have a great day!


Ottawa Comp List (Thanks, Melissa!):

Ottawa Comp List (Thanks, Debi!):

Iola Comp List (Thanks, Nikki!):

Atchison Comp List (Thanks, Kim!):


Unknown said...

Can anybody tell me where to find a comp list for the Wichita area?

Anonymous said...

Try using the find and save web site. You can easily browse sale ads for that area, search for specific items, choose you perfered stores, and make a more personalized list of your own. I find it very useful for when I shop in wichita.

Anne said...

Do I use the Ottawa comp list for Emporia?