Hello again!  Yet another quick week has passed and it is time to see what the deals are for this week!

I have added several (hundreds) of new people to the list and so I thought I would refresh everyone (and inform the newbies) on the different ways you can access this comp list.  As everyone knows, I send it out on Wednesdays but I use a program that sends it out for me and it takes up to 48 hours for it all to get sent out.  So, if you need to print the list before you get a chance to receive it in your inbox, you have a couple of other options:  1) you can get it off of my blog (http://gravespartyof4.blogspot.com/)- I post it there as soon as I get it done so it is usually on there by around noon or 1:00 on Wednesdays (sometimes much earlier), and 2) you can 'friend' me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/emy330) and I will also upload a link to the list on there!  Hopefully you will have a chance to use one or both of these if you need the list early!

And I know I have said this before, but I PROMISE to call the area stores and confirm what their policies are! I have been busy but things should be slowing down just a bit and I should get this done soon! I have had several people email me and let me know that they were informed that policies are changing at various stores so hopefully I can get down to the bottom of this soon.  Keep watching for updates!

Happy Shopping!



Hyvee (1/16-1/22): http://www.hy-vee.com/shop/WeeklyAd.aspx


Moons (1/16-1/22): http://moonsosawatomie.com/ads/


Baldwin City Market (1/16-1/22): http://baldwincitymarket.com/ads/