Hello, everyone!
I know how you all just
L-O-V-E my generic responses to the most Frequently Asked Questions about the
comp list (said in my sarcastic voice...) so I have to do just one more!
I, Emily Graves aka
"The Comp List Lady", am NOT an employee of Walmart. Walmart
does not pay me for the list (even though I *really* wish they would) and I do
NOT send it to them before everyone else so they can pull everything off of the
shelf. I contact the store when I have questions about the list (like if
a policy changes) but that is about the extent of our communication. I do
not have any sort of "deal" with them. In fact, Walmart
probably hates me. *sigh*
Anyway, I thought I
would clear that up for people. That is the latest rumor I have been
having to squash lately so I figured I would do it on a larger scale! And
Walmart, if you are reading this and want to buy me out of the comp list, I
will set my price at a very reasonable $1 million. You know how to reach
I also wanted to thank
everyone for the messages I get each week. A lot of times I don’t get a
chance to respond to everyone but I love meeting you and hearing your stories.
Thank you!
Happy Shopping!
Emily Graves
http://gravespartyof4. blogspot.com/
Want to make a donation to the Comp List Lady? Click HERE.
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Hyvee (10/23-10/29): http://www.hy- vee.com/shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Dillons (10/23-10/29): http://dillons. mywebgrocer.com/Circular/ DILLONS-070/000703009/Weekly
Price Chopper (10/23-10/29): http:// pricechopper.shoptocook.com/ circular/clickable.jsp
Country Mart (10/23-10/29): http:// mycountrymart.gsnrecipes.com/ Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Moons (10/23-10/29): http:// moonsosawatomie.com/ads/
Checkers (10/23-10/29): http://www. checkersfoods.com/Circulars/ 55247/1
Hen House (10/23-10/29): http:// henhouse.mywebgrocer.com/ Circular.aspx?c=159312&n=1&s= 294617285&g=98f5ebc4-ad02- 433d-b69c-6b3b0b877f1b&uc= BC88F67
Aldi (10/23-10/29): http:// weeklyads.aldi.us/aldi/ default.aspx?action= entryflash&adref= aldistorelocator&StoreRef=555
Apple Market (10/23-10/29): http://www. myapplemarket.com/Shop/ WeeklyAd.aspx
Sun Fresh (10/23-10/29): http://www. mysunfresh.com/Shop/WeeklyAd. aspx
Thriftway (10/23-10/29): http://www. macalusothriftway.com/ weeklyAd.html
Obryhims (10/23-10/29): http://www. obryhimsthriftway.com/images/ Obryhims-Ad.pdf
Baldwin City Market (10/23-10/29): http:// baldwincitymarket.com/ads/
Red X (10/23-10/29): http://www. riversideredx.com/grocery1. html
Hoovers (10/23-10/29): http://www. hooversgrocery.com/current_ad. shtml
Whole Foods: http:// wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/ metcalf/
Walgreens (10/20-10/26): http:// walgreens.shoplocal.com/ walgreens/default.aspx?action= browsepageflash&storeid= 2506263&pagenumber=1&prvid= Walgreens-111016& promotioncode=Walgreens- 111016&rapid=1284886
Target (10/20-10/26): http:// weeklyad.target.com/lawrence- ks-66046/pages#1
Dollar General (10/07-10/26): http://www2. dollargeneral.com/Ads-and- Promos/Current-Ad/Pages/index. aspx
Alco (10/21-10/27): http://www. alcostoresinc.com/circular. aspx
Save-a-lot (10/13-10/26): http:// savealot.shoplocal.com/ savealot/Default.aspx?action= entryflash&StoreRef=443&AdRef= link01
Kmart (10/01-11/04): http://kmart. shoplocal.com/kmart/default. aspx?action=entry&storeid= 2421865&pretailerid=-99572& savezone=Y
Family Dollar (10/20-10/26): http://www. familydollar.com/pages/ hotitems.aspx?drpStoreID=07788
Yes all the Wal-Mart employees run into the aisles pulling all from the shelves because of your list! Seriously? The Conspiracy and The Comp Lady!
Just to let you know; your comp list is amazing and very very very much appreciated! Thanks for all the selfless effort you put into this! :)
Thanks for everything you do to make shopping a little more pleasant!
Thank you for all your hard work to help others save money YOU ROCK!!!!!
I would just like to thank you so very much.
We're a family of 5 expanding to 6 and your hard work saves me so much every week
Walmart doesnt pull everuthing from the shelves they just dont restock until the sale is over with bc it is such a good deal and they lose money prolly. Idk.
I just started following you and using the comp list 4 weeks ago. We have saved an average of $35/week since comp shopping. Thank you much. For a family of six this is huge! Two times I have been out shopping and someone has asked me if I had the comp list with me.
I work for WM and I see so many customers using the comp list. The shelves are empty because if there is a good deal, customers buy a lot. We don't have storage room to not stock the shelves. But the reason I am commenting is to say THANK YOU!!! for all of your hard work on this list. It helps my family so much each week!
Trying to sign up for weekly emails to receive comp list and not finding where to so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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