I just wanted to remind you that starting next week the timing of the comp list will change. I will be starting a new job on July 1st and so the Comp List on July 3rd will not be available until late evening time. That means sending them out is also pushed back some so I suggest you consider joining my Yahoo! Group that way you will receive the list as soon as I post it (which will be sometime Wednesday night)! Here is how you can get to the list:
Comp List 6/26-7/02 (Excel)
What are the comp rules at my store?
Store Locations
Our Ad Match Guarantee
Sample Grocery List
To Join the Yahoo! Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thecomplist/
(This will send the list to you via email but it will send it to you much faster than I can manually!)
I am currently sending out invitations to join the list but I am limited to the number I can send out at once so it may take a while for me to get the "invitation" to you. You can still click on the link above to join or you can find a place on my blog on the right hand side to join. If do you join the list successfully and are ready to be "removed" from my manually send list please just send me a message and let me know! You will also be able to find the list on my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/emy330) and on my blog (http://www.gravespartyof4.blogspot.com/) and you can find me on Twitter: @CompListLady.
I also wanted to make sure you are still checking out the ads ad the end of the Comp List- this week there is a coupon that you might like!
Happy Shopping!
Want to make a donation to the Comp List Lady? Click HERE.
Comp List 6/26-7/02 (PDF)Comp List 6/26-7/02 (Excel)
Store Locations
Our Ad Match Guarantee
Sample Grocery List
Hyvee (6/26-7/02): http://www.hy-vee.com/shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Dillons (6/26-7/02): http://dillons.mywebgrocer.com/Circular/DILLONS-070/000703009/Weekly
Price Chopper (6/26-7/02): http://pricechopper.shoptocook.com/circular/clickable.jsp
Country Mart (6/26-7/02): http://mycountrymart.gsnrecipes.com/Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Moons (6/26-7/02): http://moonsosawatomie.com/ads/
Checkers (6/26-7/02): http://www.checkersfoods.com/Circulars/50919/1
Hen House (6/26-7/04): http://henhouse.mywebgrocer.com/Circular.aspx?c=151252&n=1&s=276617311&g=2e072735-9ca0-4ce6-8246-52c3504d55df&uc=BC88F67
Aldi (6/26-7/02): http://weeklyads.aldi.us/aldi/default.aspx?action=entryflash&adref=aldistorelocator&StoreRef=555
Apple Market (6/26-7/02): http://www.myapplemarket.com/Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Sun Fresh (6/26-7/02): http://www.mysunfresh.com/Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Thriftway (6/26-7/02): http://www.macalusothriftway.com/weeklyAd.html
Obryhims (6/26-7/02): http://www.obryhimsthriftway.com/images/Obryhims-Ad.pdf
Baldwin City Market (6/26-7/02): http://baldwincitymarket.com/ads/
Red X (6/26-7/02): http://www.riversideredx.com/grocery1.html
Hoovers (6/26-7/02): http://www.hooversgrocery.com/current_ad.shtml
Whole Foods (6/26-7/02): http://wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/metcalf/
Menards (6/19-7/07): (located in Topeka) http://www.menards.com/main/flyer.html?&store_code=3291
Walgreens (6/23-6/29): http://walgreens.shoplocal.com/walgreens/default.aspx?action=browsepageflash&storeid=2506263&pagenumber=1&prvid=Walgreens-111016&promotioncode=Walgreens-111016&rapid=1284886
Target (6/23-6/29): http://weeklyad.target.com/lawrence-ks-66046/grocery?=
Dollar General (6/10-6/29): http://www2.dollargeneral.com/Ads-and-Promos/Current-Ad/Pages/index.aspx
Alco (6/25-6/30): http://www.alcostoresinc.com/circular.aspx
Save-a-lot (6/16-6/29): http://savealot.shoplocal.com/savealot/default.aspx?action=entryflash&
Kmart (6/23-6/29): http://kmart.shoplocal.com/kmart/default.aspx?action=entry&storeid=2421865&pretailerid=-99572&savezone=Y
Family Dollar (6/23-6/29): http://www.familydollar.com/pages/hotitems.aspx?drpStoreID=07788