I hope everyone has had a great summer so far. I don't have too much to say again this week but I did have something to pass along. A fellow Walmart shopper passed along a message that she had someone approach her in a Walmart parking lot asking her for money to get to a different location. A couple of weeks later she was approached at a different Walmart by the same woman with the same story. So please be aware of the scammers out there!
Also, this week Hiland Milk is on sale. You may be aware of this but I thought I would point out something just in case you aren't... The Roberts brand name has been bought out by Hiland. They are switching it all over to Hiland so TECHNICALLY if you go to Walmart and the milk still has the brand "Roberts" on it, it is Hiland so you should be able to get it for the sale price. Find out more info here: http://hilanddairy.com/ stillhometown
Happy Shopping!
Emily Graves
http://gravespartyof4. blogspot.com/
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Comp List 7/31-8/06 (PDF)Comp List 7/31-8/06 (Excel)
Store Locations
What are the comp rules at my store?
Sample Grocery List
Hyvee (7/31-8/06): http://www.hy- vee.com/shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Dillons (7/31-8/06): http://dillons.mywebgrocer. com/Circular/DILLONS-070/ 000703009/Weekly
Price Chopper (7/31-8/06): http:// pricechopper.shoptocook.com/ circular/clickable.jsp
Country Mart (7/31-8/06): http:// mycountrymart.gsnrecipes.com/ Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Moons (7/31-8/06): http:// moonsosawatomie.com/ads/
Checkers (7/31-8/06): http://www. checkersfoods.com/Circulars/ 52037/1
Hen House (7/31-8/06): http://henhouse. mywebgrocer.com/Circular.aspx? c=153664&n=1&s=282303110&g= c8f98026-4b8c-4a9d-9a43- 1b3dea5eba84&uc=BC88F67
Aldi (7/31-8/06): http://weeklyads. aldi.us/aldi/default.aspx? action=entryflash&adref= aldistorelocator&StoreRef=555
Apple Market (7/31-8/06): http://www. myapplemarket.com/Shop/ WeeklyAd.aspx
Sun Fresh (7/31-8/06): http://www. mysunfresh.com/Shop/WeeklyAd. aspx
Thriftway (7/31-8/06): http://www. macalusothriftway.com/ weeklyAd.html
Obryhims (7/31-8/06): http://www. obryhimsthriftway.com/images/ Obryhims-Ad.pdf
Baldwin City Market (7/31-8/06): http:// baldwincitymarket.com/ads/
Red X (7/31-8/06): http://www. riversideredx.com/grocery1. html
Hoovers (7/31-8/06): http://www. hooversgrocery.com/current_ad. shtml
Whole Foods (7/31-8/06): http:// wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/ metcalf/
CVS (7/28-8/03): http://weeklyad.cvs.com/cvs/
Target (7/28-8/03): http://weeklyad. target.com/lawrence-ks-66046/ pages#1
Alco (7/30-8/04): http://www. alcostoresinc.com/circular. aspx
Save-a-lot (7/28-8/10): http://savealot. shoplocal.com/savealot/ Default.aspx?action= entryflash&StoreRef=443&AdRef= link01
Kmart (7/28-8/03): http://kmart. shoplocal.com/kmart/default. aspx?action=entry&storeid= 2421865&pretailerid=-99572& savezone=Y
Family Dollar (7/28-8/03): http://www. familydollar.com/pages/ hotitems.aspx?drpStoreID=07788