Hello, everyone!
I hope everyone has had a great week. I don't have too much to say (because I am ready to get this thing OUT) but I did have a few questions about something so I thought I would explain it. I have had some people ask why certain lines are gray on the comp list. I mainly did this so people would pay attention to the dates. As you will see, this list is titled "8/28-9/03" since a majority of the stores I look up have ads that run from Wednesday through Tuesday. BUT, some of the ads have different dates (like Walgreens- their ads run Sunday through Saturday) and some have special sales that are only a few days. I will put these ads with different dates in gray so that way you might double check the dates before you comp these items. It would never fail- I would get to Walmart on a Sunday and try to comp pop only to realize at the register that the sale had ended the day before. So hopefully this will help!
One more thing- Don't forget to go to Walmart and buy Issue #9 which is the September Issue of All You Magazine. Then flip to the back page and you will see me! Yay! You can also find my guest blog for All You here: http://dailysavings.allyou.com/2013/08/19/americas-smartest-shopper-winner/. I have a few more exciting things coming up so I will share them as they happen.
Anyway, that's it for now! I am ready to get this puppy sent out. Happy Shopping!
Emily Graves
Want to make a donation to the Comp List Lady? Click HERE.
Hyvee (8/28-9/03): http://www.hy-vee.com/shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Dillons (8/28-9/03): http://dillons.mywebgrocer.com/Circular/DILLONS-070/000703009/Weekly
Price Chopper (8/28-9/03): http://pricechopper.shoptocook.com/circular/clickable.jsp
Country Mart (8/28-9/03): http://mycountrymart.gsnrecipes.com/Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Moons (8/28-9/03): http://moonsosawatomie.com/ads/
Checkers (8/28-9/03): http://www.checkersfoods.com/Circulars/53154/1
Hen House (8/28-9/03): http://henhouse.mywebgrocer.com/Circular.aspx?c=155656&n=1&s=287045635&g=2e18a8c5-c3ab-4361-9d8e-52cd3c09a4cc&uc=BC88F67
Aldi (8/28-9/03): http://weeklyads.aldi.us/aldi/default.aspx?action=entryflash&adref=aldistorelocator&StoreRef=555
Apple Market (8/28-9/03): http://www.myapplemarket.com/Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Sun Fresh (8/28-9/03): http://www.mysunfresh.com/Shop/WeeklyAd.aspx
Thriftway (8/28-9/03): http://www.macalusothriftway.com/weeklyAd.html
Obryhims (8/28-9/03): http://www.obryhimsthriftway.com/images/Obryhims-Ad.pdf
Baldwin City Market (8/28-9/03): http://baldwincitymarket.com/ads/
Red X (8/28-9/03): http://www.riversideredx.com/grocery1.html
Hoovers (8/28-9/03): http://www.hooversgrocery.com/current_ad.shtml
Whole Foods: http://wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/metcalf/
Walgreens (8/25-8/31): http://walgreens.shoplocal.com/walgreens/default.aspx?action=browsepageflash&storeid=2506263&pagenumber=1&prvid=Walgreens-111016&promotioncode=Walgreens-111016&rapid=1284886
CVS (8/25-8/31): http://weeklyad.cvs.com/cvs/default.aspx?action=entryflash&
Target (8/25-8/31): http://weeklyad.target.com/lawrence-ks-66046/grocery?=
Dollar General (8/25-9/02): http://www2.dollargeneral.com/Ads-and-Promos/Current-Ad/Pages/index.aspx
Alco (8/'27-9/02): http://www.alcostoresinc.com/circular.aspx
Save-a-lot (8/28-9/14): http://savealot.shoplocal.com/savealot/Default.aspx?action=entryflash&StoreRef=443&AdRef=link01
Kmart (8/25-8/31): http://kmart.shoplocal.com/kmart/default.aspx?action=entry&storeid=2421865&pretailerid=-99572&savezone=Y
Family Dollar (8/25-8/31): http://www.familydollar.com/pages/hotitems.aspx?drpStoreID=07788