Monday, June 21, 2010

What's in a name?

I'm feeling the pressure of the baby. Not internally like you might be guessing, but externally through everyone's questions. Do you know the sex? Do you have names picked out? Do you know exactly what your baby will be doing on January 17th? Ok, so I made the last one up, but it feels like there are so many questions that I think my head might explode. And at this point we don't have a lot of answers.

When are you due? That's KINDA an easy one. Technically, I'm due November 15th. But since this will be a scheduled c-section, it will be a week or 2 before that. So basically I don't even have an answer to that.

The one question with the most pressure attached to it is the name question. We hit a home run the first time- Carter Daniel. How can you do better than that? Impossible. So there is even more pressure now.

I decided the best way to go about choosing a name is using a complex 3-step process. 1) Find out the sex in one week, 2) buy a baby name book, and 3) pick out a name. I thought I would get ahead of myself a bit while I was at Wal-mart and looked at the baby name books. For one thing they are like a thousand dollars. Ok, so like $11 but I'm just using it once! Plus, they all have 10,001 names. And that is me NOT exaggerating- who needs 10,001 name options??? Not me. That would take me until the baby is born to get through it! I need like a book of like 5 options. I guess that pretty much puts us at a name stand-still.

I will keep you updated on my struggles.
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